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 Akta Graco Belogic - nouveau siège RF

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Akta Graco Belogic - nouveau siège RF - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Akta Graco Belogic - nouveau siège RF   Akta Graco Belogic - nouveau siège RF - Page 2 EmptyMer 20 Oct 2010 - 15:39

hop, ca y est, on dirait qu'il est dispo ici Akta Graco Belogic - nouveau siège RF - Page 2 Bounce3_
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Akta Graco Belogic - nouveau siège RF - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Akta Graco Belogic - nouveau siège RF   Akta Graco Belogic - nouveau siège RF - Page 2 EmptyVen 22 Oct 2010 - 11:00

lenats31 a écrit:

I would not get anything from Norway, as you have to pay double taxes. I would buy from Sweden. Denmark is an EU country, so would not expect it to be the same. But I highly doubt that Babysam will put this seat online, since it is rearfacing and many parents are unfamiliar with this type of seat.

Normally I would not meassure the space front to back and the manufactorers prefer it that way too. the reason is that cars are different. Some seats are very consistant tough. Others (most) differ greatly from one car to the next.

In my car which is a Peugeot 307SW this seat needs 81 cm from headrest to headrest.


hi lena,

which seat needs more space, the multitech or the belogic? which one do you like more? which one have more place for the legs? is the installation the same?

i actually have the multitech, but if the belogic needs less space, perhaps i will take the belogic for my other daughter...
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Akta Graco Belogic - nouveau siège RF - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Akta Graco Belogic - nouveau siège RF   Akta Graco Belogic - nouveau siège RF - Page 2 EmptyVen 22 Oct 2010 - 16:48

Multitech needs a lot of space in some cars and only very, very little in others. The Belogic is more consistant. The Multitech allows longer rearfacing time as the harness and the headsupport rise higher than the Belogic. My son uses the 2nd highest harness slot in the Belogic. Belogic leaves a little more legroom for the child.

I´ll end up using the Two Way Elite and the Multitech only as these seats allows longer Rf time than the others. I don´t have a preference up until then. Akta Graco Belogic - nouveau siège RF - Page 2 Wink_gif
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Akta Graco Belogic - nouveau siège RF - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Akta Graco Belogic - nouveau siège RF   Akta Graco Belogic - nouveau siège RF - Page 2 EmptyVen 22 Oct 2010 - 17:03


what do you value, up to what height a child can sit in the BELOGIC?

which seat is easier / better to install?

what do you mean by "Consistent"?

but which seat (multitech or belogic) needs less space if you install him in the same car?

so, the belogic is the only seat (up to 25kg) who pass the "plus test". ... do you think, that for exemple the multitech failed, because he can be installed Forward-facing too?

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Akta Graco Belogic - nouveau siège RF - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Akta Graco Belogic - nouveau siège RF   Akta Graco Belogic - nouveau siège RF - Page 2 EmptyVen 22 Oct 2010 - 17:19

In MY car, the seats need the same space, which is 81 cm top meassurement (headrest to headrest). They are equally easy to install.

Yes, belogic is the only seat to 25 kg that has passed the T-Plus test. I highly doubt that Britax would put the Multitech up for T-Plus testing. Seats that can turn both ways are highly unlikely to pass, because they can go forward facing and thereby expose the child to dangerous loads in a crash. They can´t be bothered to do it with the TWE neither, simply because this seat passed the T-Standard testing som e years ago. Dorel can´t be bothered to put their Maxi Cosi Mobi seat up for the new T-Plus test for the exact same reason that Britax would not subject the TWE to it. It passed some years ago. Britax Hiway is also unlikely to be to that test for the same reason.

T answer the question about app. max height for Belogic. I´d say probably 115 cm, which is still a lot. That´s a 5 year old in Scandinavia. It´s a great seat :)


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Akta Graco Belogic - nouveau siège RF - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Akta Graco Belogic - nouveau siège RF   Akta Graco Belogic - nouveau siège RF - Page 2 EmptySam 23 Oct 2010 - 9:14

Hi Lena,

Could you please measure the length of the seatbelt needed to attach the Belogic in your car ?

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Akta Graco Belogic - nouveau siège RF - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Akta Graco Belogic - nouveau siège RF   Akta Graco Belogic - nouveau siège RF - Page 2 EmptySam 23 Oct 2010 - 16:06

That´s not neccesary. The seatbelt only needs to be routed through the front of the seat. In other words; you can install it with just a lapbelt if need be. :) That´s one of the big differences between a rearfacing stage 1 and 1+2 seat and an infant carrier.
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Akta Graco Belogic - nouveau siège RF - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Akta Graco Belogic - nouveau siège RF   Akta Graco Belogic - nouveau siège RF - Page 2 EmptyLun 25 Oct 2010 - 12:38

Another question:
As the seat is not isofix, what's happening when your turn the wheel sharply ? Is it stable or is it tilting one one side in the car ?
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Akta Graco Belogic - nouveau siège RF - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Akta Graco Belogic - nouveau siège RF   Akta Graco Belogic - nouveau siège RF - Page 2 EmptyLun 25 Oct 2010 - 12:52

Le Multitech n'est pas Isofix non plus, et entre la jambe de force, les sangles à attacher au siège devant et la ceinture qui passe en dessous, je peux t'assurer que le siège est très stable sur la banquette.
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Akta Graco Belogic - nouveau siège RF - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Akta Graco Belogic - nouveau siège RF   Akta Graco Belogic - nouveau siège RF - Page 2 EmptyLun 25 Oct 2010 - 13:16

Désolée, je ne parle pas l'anglais.
Quelles sont les grandes différences entre ce siège et le BESAFE COMBI X3 (que j'avais choisi d'acheter mais..)?? Inclinaison, taille de l'enfant, adaptabilité aux véhicules?? et avec le HI-WAY?? Le coût d'un BESAFE est relativement le même (350€), ce qui me fraine dans son achat +l'incident de Youzilenn.
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Akta Graco Belogic - nouveau siège RF - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Akta Graco Belogic - nouveau siège RF   Akta Graco Belogic - nouveau siège RF - Page 2 EmptyLun 25 Oct 2010 - 13:59

Moi aussi l'incident de youzilenn me refroidit. mais moi je voulais absolument un isofix. Du coup je ne sais plus.
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Akta Graco Belogic - nouveau siège RF - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Akta Graco Belogic - nouveau siège RF   Akta Graco Belogic - nouveau siège RF - Page 2 EmptyLun 25 Oct 2010 - 14:08

Et le polaric en isofix?? Le besafe me plait bcp, excepté son prix, isofix ou pas, il est cher, comparé à un britax!! et je pévois l'achat du pallac cybex pour la 2nde auto!!
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Akta Graco Belogic - nouveau siège RF - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Akta Graco Belogic - nouveau siège RF   Akta Graco Belogic - nouveau siège RF - Page 2 EmptyLun 25 Oct 2010 - 16:54

margoton a écrit:
Désolée, je ne parle pas l'anglais.
Quelles sont les grandes différences entre ce siège et le BESAFE COMBI X3 (que j'avais choisi d'acheter mais..)?? Inclinaison, taille de l'enfant, adaptabilité aux véhicules?? et avec le HI-WAY?? Le coût d'un BESAFE est relativement le même (350€), ce qui me fraine dans son achat +l'incident de Youzilenn.

Anyone translate PLEASEE Akta Graco Belogic - nouveau siège RF - Page 2 483667 ??

Belogic has a 25 kg weight limit. Besafe is 18 kg. Belogic has the capacity to carry a larger child rearfacing. It can keep a child in a harnessed seat for a little while longer than Besafe.

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Akta Graco Belogic - nouveau siège RF - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Akta Graco Belogic - nouveau siège RF   Akta Graco Belogic - nouveau siège RF - Page 2 EmptyLun 25 Oct 2010 - 17:04

Margoton wants the know the main differences between the Belogic, the Besafe X3 Combi and the Hi-Way.

She wonders how they compare in:
- Recline positions?
- Which one holds a bigger toddler (height/weight)?
- How "universal" are they, will they easily fit in most vehicles?
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Akta Graco Belogic - nouveau siège RF - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Akta Graco Belogic - nouveau siège RF   Akta Graco Belogic - nouveau siège RF - Page 2 EmptyLun 25 Oct 2010 - 18:52

Je ne comprends pas bien l'anglais moi non plus, alors si qq de bilingue pouvait faire un piti résumé, ce serait sympa...
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Akta Graco Belogic - nouveau siège RF - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Akta Graco Belogic - nouveau siège RF   Akta Graco Belogic - nouveau siège RF - Page 2 EmptyLun 25 Oct 2010 - 20:08

Cuinou a écrit:
Margoton wants the know the main differences between the Belogic, the Besafe X3 Combi and the Hi-Way.

She wonders how they compare in:
- Recline positions?
- Which one holds a bigger toddler (height/weight)?
- How "universal" are they, will they easily fit in most vehicles?

Recline positions:
Belogic: 3 in order to adjust the angle, you lift a handle at the front of the seat and push or pull the seat like you would with most forward facing seats.

BeSafe: 3 positions and Same system as the Belogic.

Hiway: has 3 positions and needs to be uninstalled as it can only be adjusted by removing a cap on each side of the front foot, then you pull the foot to the position that you want it to be in, and reapply the caps. More complicated than the others.

But this complication is outweighed by the fact that this is the seat with the best recline for small children. The seat is sold with a vedge to put under the front foot. It helps with installation in old cars with long buckle stalks (help prevent Buckle Crunch) it also adds anther few cm to the recline angle. recline with vedge can be seen here: in a Citroen C3


Belogic will most likely keep a child rearfacing slightly longer than the other two. Bu it is a close race between Belogic and Hiway. Some children will probably make to a little beyond 110 cm

Hiway will probably hoover around 110 cm.

Besafe X3 105-110 cm and lets not forget the weight limit which is 18 kg. The other two are 25 kg.

Belogic has been tested in cars from 2008 onward. This does not mean that it won´t fit into a Peugeot 307 ex. They just couldn´t be bothered test it in that car as it was discontinued in 2008. IF you car is on the list but is older than 2008. Just test fit the seat in it. If it solid as a rock, then you wn´t have a problem.

Besafe X3 The seat has been tested and approved for a great number of cars. The seat needs the most space of the three seats here. It is a big seat in a car - meaning it neds a lot of space. This is okay to many tough.

Hiway[b] Has a very long car list as well. This seat will need more room in a car than Belogic in some cars and somewhat less in other cars.

SO, the answer to that question would be.

"The best seat for cars is the one that:
- Can be installed correctly
- The one that does not steal too much legroom from the front seat passenger
- The one that fits the baby in harness height and weight.

SO there really isn´t a deffinate answer to that question.

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Akta Graco Belogic - nouveau siège RF - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Akta Graco Belogic - nouveau siège RF   Akta Graco Belogic - nouveau siège RF - Page 2 EmptyLun 25 Oct 2010 - 20:22

LittleTom a écrit:
Another question:
As the seat is not isofix, what's happening when your turn the wheel sharply ? Is it stable or is it tilting one one side in the car ?

Rearfacing tethers:


Also, they can touch the front seat or dashboard (not lean on), so get support from that too. It is best if you install them in this way. This is also the way that they are tested for standard compliance and it reduces the motion of the seat considerble. This is in fact one of the ways that rearfacing seats outperform forward facing seats. the motion of the seats are much ore controlled by being supported by a structure behind them and the tethers that. Forwardfacing seats can travel motion unchecked up to 55 cm and beyond.

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Akta Graco Belogic - nouveau siège RF - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Akta Graco Belogic - nouveau siège RF   Akta Graco Belogic - nouveau siège RF - Page 2 EmptyLun 25 Oct 2010 - 20:46

Thanks Lena and Cuinou
Le hi-Way a bien passé des tests?? Est-il aussi bon que le BESAFE non isofix?
The Hi-Way has been tested? Is it as good as BeSafe non isofix?
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Akta Graco Belogic - nouveau siège RF - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Akta Graco Belogic - nouveau siège RF   Akta Graco Belogic - nouveau siège RF - Page 2 EmptyLun 25 Oct 2010 - 21:06

margoton a écrit:
Thanks Lena and Cuinou
Le hi-Way a bien passé des tests?? Est-il aussi bon que le BESAFE non isofix?
The Hi-Way has been tested? Is it as good as BeSafe non isofix?

Hiway has been tested to the Swedish T-Standard and passed. The standard is called T-Plus now, but same requirements.

Besides this, there is no difference in the crash worthiness between rearfacing with isofix and rearfacing with seatbelt. Isofix is safer in forward facing seats. There is just ease of installation.

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Akta Graco Belogic - nouveau siège RF - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Akta Graco Belogic - nouveau siège RF   Akta Graco Belogic - nouveau siège RF - Page 2 EmptyMar 2 Nov 2010 - 9:05

Il est dispo sur carseat LA à 380€ hord frais de port.
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Akta Graco Belogic - nouveau siège RF - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Akta Graco Belogic - nouveau siège RF   Akta Graco Belogic - nouveau siège RF - Page 2 EmptyMar 2 Nov 2010 - 10:43

Et 1 de plus!! Que le choix est difficile!!! Akta Graco Belogic - nouveau siège RF - Page 2 Dent_qui L'assise me parait assez raide, proche du multitech (merci Komonosu, je le verrai à Tlse sem proch). Est-il aussi confortable qu'un BESAFE?? et inclinable pour facilitter le dodo lors de trajets sur des routes sinueuses??
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Akta Graco Belogic - nouveau siège RF - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Akta Graco Belogic - nouveau siège RF   Akta Graco Belogic - nouveau siège RF - Page 2 EmptyMar 2 Nov 2010 - 11:00

Citation :
Belogic is compact with an easy to use handle for sleep position. The seat is approved 9-25 kg with fairly tall seat shell for rear facing use from about 6 months to 4-4.5 years.

Seating angle can be adjusted in three different positions with an easy to use handle. Sleeping position works well and recline can be adjusted while driving.

Faut lire des descriptifs! :sage:
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Akta Graco Belogic - nouveau siège RF - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Akta Graco Belogic - nouveau siège RF   Akta Graco Belogic - nouveau siège RF - Page 2 EmptyMar 2 Nov 2010 - 20:03

Not sure what you mean Akta Graco Belogic - nouveau siège RF - Page 2 651904

I know that Hakan was introduced to this seat by Klippan long time before the rest of us got to see it Akta Graco Belogic - nouveau siège RF - Page 2 745124 . He was introduced to it in August or was it July? Akta Graco Belogic - nouveau siège RF - Page 2 651904 Klippan is the mother company in Finland

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Akta Graco Belogic - nouveau siège RF - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Akta Graco Belogic - nouveau siège RF   Akta Graco Belogic - nouveau siège RF - Page 2 EmptyLun 8 Nov 2010 - 13:14

siège reçu ce midi Akta Graco Belogic - nouveau siège RF - Page 2 47159
Grosse frailleur au transit d'Allemagne : "colis endommagé" ... Au final, il ne s'agit que de la partie de l'emballage la plus fragile (vide en dessous).

Bon , rapidement , comme ça, c'est cool, le siège est bien plus confortable que le Duologic (même si ce n'est pas le plus important).

Vivement ce soir pour l'installation Akta Graco Belogic - nouveau siège RF - Page 2 Bounce3_
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Akta Graco Belogic - nouveau siège RF - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Akta Graco Belogic - nouveau siège RF   Akta Graco Belogic - nouveau siège RF - Page 2 EmptyLun 8 Nov 2010 - 13:37

super que tu en ais commandé un! des photos!!! nous ont est parti sur un besafe izikid x3 isofix mais rien n'est encore acheté! ce qui nous faisait peur avec le belogic c'est qu'on a l'impression que niveau confort il semble moins confortable que les besafe, mais ce n'est peut etre qu'une impression!
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